
Hogan’s 3 Big Tips For Entrepreneurs

Hogan’s 3 Big Tips For Entrepreneurs

Ready for some yuletide cheer? No, I’m not just talking about my big tips for entrepreneurs. Inflation might have hit its peak this year. So say the “experts.” That particular category of people hasn’t exactly covered itself with glory of late … so, we’ll see how...

Should I Extend Credit To My Customers?

Should I Extend Credit To My Customers?

Let me start out by once again reminding you that we are nearing year-end (as if you really needed my reminder). And while Northeast States business owners like you are wrapping up things in 2022, you’re also at that optimal time to be thinking about what lies ahead...

Hogan’s Guide To Getting Tasks Done

Hogan’s Guide To Getting Tasks Done

Maybe I'm writing this today because the end-of-year crunch and getting tasks done is on our minds here at Team Masterpiece Accounting Services.Really, we only have a little more than a month left before 2022 is in the rearview. And my business brain wants it all. to....

Our (Early) End of Year Checklist for Businesses

Our (Early) End of Year Checklist for Businesses

When I think about the holiday season, I think "calm before the storm." That's because in my profession, once mid-December hits, we're scrambling to handle EOY matters. My profession is pretty “calendar-driven.” For "normal" Northeast States business owners, this...

Which Bills to Pay First in Your Business

Which Bills to Pay First in Your Business

Holiday creep. It’s real. Here we are in early November, and it feels like Christmas decorations and other holiday chicanery have already been upon us. Northeast States retailers are buckling in for what looks to be a rough shopping season, given current economic...