Firstly, before I jump into what business referrals could mean for your Northeast States business, I wanted you to see this. Even though I don’t normally talk about tax stuff … the explosion of shady flim-flammers gaming the Employee Retention Credit and...
My quick take on SVB: Don’t let it rob you of your focus for building the business under YOUR control.In other words, let noise be noise … and focus on what’s most important: your immediate world.But I will say that this crisis is a perfect example of why you should...
Last week, I began asking you a series of questions about your business. Hopefully those have had some time to percolate in the business-owner-guru-strategist side of your brain. I’d like you to thoughtfully consider the new questions I’m raising today....
Something a little different for you today. A quiz you’ll actually find useful (unlike all those BuzzFeed ones about which vegetable are you most like). Taking a minute to examine your small business’s health this time of year will help shape how you reach for your...
Who can believe that it’ll be one year this week since the war in Ukraine began. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like there’s an end in sight — a heavy realization for those caught in the crosshairs of it all…Looking back to last February, I can say it’s been a...
It’s February and love is in the air. (So are taxes. And Super Bowls.)Flowers and chocolates showed up on desks and countertops this week with sweet little romantic notes. Restaurants set those sweetheart menus for their in-love diners. And if you’re one of the...