With the way that the economy is going, inflation, the market gyrations, etc … ANY business seems like good business.Until it isn’t.Consider …Have you ever been in a store when a customer starts yelling at the employee behind the counter for...
Scrolling the 9/11 tributes in my social media and news feeds this past weekend served as an excellent reminder of how we all can bounce back from great difficulties. And the reminder seems especially poignant now as our nation (and business owners like you) continue...
In today’s online-driven world, it’s no surprise that securing sensitive information is essential. Just like you cover your business for other possible risks (property damage, theft, injury, etc.) so should you also be thinking of how to keep your business safe from...
It seems like everywhere SMBs and retailers are short-staffed (and hiring). At the same time, with high inflation plaguing the country, other businesses are in the middle of layoffs.It seems as if these two realities would meet together, and establish an economic...
Fill in the blank: It takes a village to ______.While you’re probably thinking of child-rearing right now, I’d like to suggest that it applies to your small business as well. And particularly during inflationary times. The 2020 world made it painfully obvious that...
If you’ve been paying attention, I’ve been diving pretty deep into inflation-proofing measures for your business. I want you to have the tools to not just survive these rollercoaster times, but also to thrive.The thriving starts with taking a good look at...