Before I dive into discussing the pros and cons of a C corp, I briefly want to touch on some other things relevant to you as a small business owner.Recession. The threat of it hangs in the air like a midwest thunderstorm. And as you anticipate it, you don’t have...
Prepare, prepare, prepare. As a recession is bearing down on us all, figuring out how to prepare for economic downturns is something you should be concerned with in your business. I know I am.Now, while you and I can’t prepare for every eventuality, we can put systems...
Is your hustle muscle feeling strong right now? I hope so because if your business is going to make it moving forward, it’s going to have to be – at least for somebody on your business team. This inflationary environment virtually demands it (as does a likely...
As a small business owner, you’re battling on a lot of different fronts right now. You’re doing your best to keep employees happy, raise prices without driving away customers, pivot to alternative supply options as your current ones dry up, adjust for changing...
The unfortunate reality of things right now is that businesses across the board might need to raise their prices. Inflation’s increasingly pervasive effects, as well as continued supply shortages, demand that pricing models change – or at least be...
Everywhere I turn there’s a business with a “Now Hiring” sign in the window. Are you seeing this too? Staffing is an issue in every industry across the country. Part of that? Making money isn’t the only reason people want a job. 2020 certainly shifted priorities....